Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Todd Crawford's Pilgrimage

The author talks about his latest book, the kind of movies he'd like to make, and why Clive Barker inspires him.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

John Taff's Little Deaths

Novelist and short story author John Taff talks about mumification in honey, blood, and why we can't all just get along!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Flashes in the Dark: Carrie Clevenger

The author of Crooked Fang talks to us about old Colorado haunts, hot men with guitars, juggling acts, and sleep deprivation.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Audio Producer Chris Barnes

Chris Barnes does audio production and readings for e-book authors. Tonia Brown and I ask him about chocolate snow, St. Christopher, and why beef jerky is the perfect food.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Flashes in the Dark: Author Madison Johns

Madison Johns gets personal about her novel Armed & Outrageous, the lowdown on old and dirty, freaky jack-o'-lanterns, and her upcoming thriller.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

That's F*cked Up: Birth Control & The "V" Word

Rep. Lisa Brown was silenced for using the word "Vagina" on the House floor... why birth control still remains an issue. And a new Mutha for this week !

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Flashes in the Dark Radio: That's F*cked Up

Flashes in the Dark Radio: That's F*cked Up: Lori & Victorya discuss news stories that disappeared from tv or Facebook too soon. Tune in to find out who is The Mutha of the Week!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bob Eccles

Writer, editor, broadcaster Bob Eccles stops in to talk about his latest collection, Tiny Terrors.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

RM Garcia

The Author of The Foundlings stops in to talk about vampires, video games, and what makes his world go round.

Crystal Connor

Finalist in the 2011 International Book Awards, author Crystal Connor talks about The Darkness and the Spectrum Series.

Nancy Holder

Bram Stoker Winner Nancy Holder talks about YA, Buffy & Angel, High School Hi-Jinx, Small town horror, and why she's called The Housewife of Horror.

SP Miskowski

Shirley Jackson Award Nominated Author
SP Miskowski talks about her novel, Knock, Knock.

Lakisha Spletzer

YA, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thrillers, this author does it all! Meet Lakisha Spletzer on Flashes in the Dark!

Friday, June 22, 2012

That's F*cked Up

Lori & Victorya discuss news stories that disappeared from tv or Facebook too soon. Tune in to find out who is The Mutha of the Week!

Gina Ranalli

Author Gina Ranalli on Flashes in the Dark!